Upcoming delivery dates- Belize City/ Belmopan & Tropic Air - Jan 2, 8, 14, 22, 29 | North- Jan 9, 23 | South- Jan 10, 17, 24, 31 | San Ignacio, Spanish Lookout, Cristo Rey and Chiquibul Road - Jan 16, 28 | DELIVERY FEE WILL BE CHARGED FOR ALL ORDERS | MINIMUM ORDER OF $35 FOR ALL HOME DELIVERIES. ORDER ARE DUE BY 7AM THE DAY BEFORE DELIVERY.


Ordering from Crazy Coconut Farm is an easy process.

In order to check out you will need to create an account.  You can do so my following this link- https://crazycoconutfarm.com/account/register . Once you have an account you will be able to log in and submit your order.

Click on the 'shop' button, add the items you wish to purchase and check out. 

You will be able to pay for your order with cash at delivery, credit card or by bank transfer. 


Delivery Locations, Days & Fees

Spanish Lookout & San Ignacio-  Every other Tuesday  | Home deliveries $35 minimum order. $6 delivery fee

Belize City- Wednesday Mornings | Home deliveries $35 minimum order  

Tropic Air Deliveries- Wednesdays | $35 minimum, $6 packing & delivery fee

Belmopan- Wednesday Afternoons | Home Delivery $35 minimum order. $6 delivery fee

Corozal -  Every other Thursday   | Pick up options- *Round house- no minimum, $6 delivery fee..  *Consejo Shores community center- no minimum, $6 delivery fee.

Hopkins- Every Friday | Home Delivery $35 minimum, $8 delivery fee. 

The Reserve- Every Friday | Pick up at first gate- no minimum, $5 delivery fee.

Maya Beach- Every Friday | Pick up near police station- no minimum, $5 delivery fee.

Placencia- Every Friday | *Pick up at lot across from Police Station- no minimum, $5 delivery fee. *Home delivery on main road of peninsula - $35 minimum, $10 delivery fee.